PHP Scripts
RealBD.IN Primum Autoindex Script Is Here !!!

ReadBD.In Auto index script
Hello, Guys And Sorry Also.
Being exams I was unable to post regularly. But I’m trying my best to keep quality of our site
Today I am here with another premium Auto index script only for you.
It is exactly the script using.
- Import Via Url
- Auto Mp3 Tag Edit,
- Auto Mp3 Bitrate Convention
- Guestbook
- Top Files
- Feature Files
- Powerful Admin Panel
- And Match More!!!
How To Install?
- Download and unzip the script to the root of your site.
- Create a new MySQL database and a user.
- login to PHPMYADMIN and imprt.sql file.
- Login with FTP and edit ‘inc/config.php’ and enter database information there.
- Now go to yoursite.tld/admin and Login with the password 12345
Download Link:
[sociallocker] (GOOGLE DRIVE)
And all done. Now You Are ready To Rock !!!
If You Getting And problems in installing it, do a comment below.
And If you have any questions related to tech, visit our discussions forum and create a topic, we’ll try to answer it as soon as possible. Thank you.
Hello is there any .htaccess files with this i guess there should be if any please update that also
I’ll try to get you that file rimpa!
.htaccess file is missing please update
Okay, thanks for letting me know. I’ll try to collect that file.