PHP Scripts
Online Mp3 Tag Editor PHP Script Is Here !!!
Mp3 Tag Editor PHP Script with Direct Download.

Online Mp3 Tag Editor
Hello Friends,
Today I am back with Online Mp3 Tag Editor script which is requested by Tukiyem Via Facebook
Thank you so match.
In Searching for tag editing scripts, i found more than 60 scripts on my harddisk. And after filtering all script i am here with three of them.
Both are doing same job of editing mp3 files online.
But i though i should share the both three with you.
Download Links:
Click on the file name to download.
It is a basic online mp3 tag editing script, Simple and effective.
It is a modified version of Mp3Tag-V1 just added some features.
It is totally different script. Just have a look on it.
How To Install?
Just download any of tge three zip file and extract on root of your domain and edit configuration file. Thats it!!
If you need any script, you can content me via facebook, by clicking here, I’ll try my best to complete your request.
It is an issue with your hosting provider. If you are using VPS server. Please make sure that you have given proper permission to the folder where you uploaded the script.
Thanks for the.. it was really useful but i face a problem with the Voice track and Album art cover
i have made all corrections but i can’t seems to get the album art cover right so it will be on the song..
Make sure you choose to upload correct image dimensions for the album art.
hello i extracted it and edited it but still dont what url to use to find it
Where you extracted? if you extracted in public_html then it should be available by visiting the main domain.
Hello, plz i have 2 questions.
Does this tag work with WordPress?
2. The voice mark folder, show i put my voice mark audio there?
Nope, it is a stand-alone script. You need to upload the script separately.