Top 5 Hand Picked Substratum Samsung Themes Of December 2017

Top 5 Hand-Picked Substratum Samsung Themes Of December 2017 | Our Best Picks!
How Are You, Friends? Hope everything is going well. We are pretty irregular this year. But we promise we will do our level best to post regularly from next year. But let’s keep these things aside. Today I am back with a list of best substratum Samsung themes totally hand-picked by me. Though every theme listed here should also work on any android device with Substratum support. Without doing any farther time pass let’s move to the list. You Will Like It!
Android O Theme is one of my favorite themes, Actually, I am using it right now
I am always a fan of clean and light design so this theme is the #1 Position on this list. Well as the name expresses, this theme is based on Android O Design. It is very clean and well-designed themes, I like every aspect of this theme. Light material design, Clean Fonts, White top bar. I Hope you’ll also like it a lot.
Download Links: [Substratum] Android Oreo theme (Google Play) ($0.99)
#2 GRVY for Substratum (Paid)
GRVY for Substratum Is one of the most customizable themes available for Substratum right now. You can control almost every aspect of this theme. It has both Dark and light color scheme. You can also select the primary color as your needs. and the iconography is also very unique and also very good looking and well-designed. You can control almost every aspect of this theme.
And as most all Samsung Mid to High-end phones has OLED Display, you can also use it as a power saver theme! How? You can use this theme and set the black color in the most area of your phone’s UI, It will help you to save some Battery Juice!
Download Link: GRVY for Substratum (Google Play) ($1.49)
#3 FLUX THEME (Paid)
Flux Substratum theme is based on Google’s Material Design. It uses High-res Vector Graphics and layouts are also well-designed! Though this theme is on the darker side. But this theme is very modern looking! And there are also many things to customize. If you like dark themes, You should definitely try it.
Download Link: Flux Theme (Google Drive) ($1.49)
#4 ModernUI Theme (Free)
As the name says! A pretty theme with evolved UI. Well, it also comes with an inspiring boot animation. The boot animation is very expressive. it clearly shows how the theme is evolved so far. It might be a little bit funny, but I like the way it shows the evolution of humans at starting. Although if you want you can also replace the boot animation with another one. Besides that, the theme is really well-built. I can see the efforts of developers behind this theme. And the best thing is the theme is absolutely free! Nothing to lose! Try it now.
Download: ModernUI Theme (Google Play) (Free)
#5 [Substratum] Transparent Oreo/Nougat Theme ($1.49)
Ever wanted to make your phone’s UI make transparent? If yes, This theme is for you! This theme will enable transparent look on your phone. I have to say this is a unique theme. Must try it.
Final Words:
It is a very difficult task to pick only 5 themes from the vast amount of themes available in play store. But we can add only best 5 of them. So here is the list. And if you have any theme you think we missed, You can comment below. Thanks For reading!